Smaller Housing Associations Special Offer

ODCGIS have launched a Special Offer for Smaller Housing Associations (Less than 5,000 properties) making GIS Mapping affordable to all housing associations.
Railway Housing Association was the first housing association to take up the offer which includes georeferencing all their property points and attributing with the national UPRN, supplying their Land Registry boundaries to identify all their land ownership, licensing Ordnance Survey MasterMap and AddressBase along with a cloud-based GIS and much more. In addition, with their grounds maintenance contract due for renewal, Railway had all their grounds maintenance captured enabling them to supply accurate information to potential tenderers.
With thanks to Chris Cuthell, Principal Procurement Consultant, for identifying the benefit of GIS mapping and to Railway’s Chief Executive, Matt Sugden for his support.
@RailwayHousing #GISMapping #SocialHousing #SmallerHousingAssociations @natfedevents

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